IV Therapy Delivered to You
Our skilled nurses come to you and your IV of choice is made on-site
group rates
Round up the crew
We offer discounted prices for groups of 3 or more
Benefits frequent users​
Our packages offer reduced pricing and priority scheduling
Travel and medical screening included
IV Therapy: Explained
IV Therapy is primarily used to replace fluids and electrolytes that are lost due to several factors such as:
intense physical exercise
heat exhaustion
alcohol intoxication
viral infections
Symptoms related to these conditions can include muscle aches, cramps, nausea, gastric discomfort and fatigue, The best way to mitigate these symptoms is to introduce fluids, electrolytes, vitamins and medication directly into your bloodstream. Our bodies are able to absorb IV fluids and its components at nearly 100% bioavailability. This allows for faster and more efficient recovery when compared to oral ingestion which has an average of 40-50% bioavailability.
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954-552-6104 | 786-454-5922